CO2 balancing

The CO2 balancing as part of the school project makingAchange enables the school and its students/teachers to create a CO2-balance sheet of their school for the first time!

Through this balance sheet, the main emission sources become visible. In a further step, measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions are jointly developed, which the school can implement in order to achieve climate-neutrality e.g., until 2030. The CO2 balancing includes the collection of data on relevant greenhouse gas emissions in the areas of electricity, heat, mobility, materials, catering, etc. and is prepared using a tool provided by the university project teams (ClimCalc and FARS). Due to the cooperative character between science and school of makingAchange, the participants receive support from students, scientists, and the respective university project teams (BOKU and TU Graz).

The aim of the project is to establish the CO2 topic at school in the long run. This is to be achieved by continuously passing on the knowledge surrounding the creation and benefits of CO2 balancing.

Participating students pass on the CO2 balance sheets, the planned reduction measures and their knowledge to younger students. By repeating the balances annually, the effectiveness of set climate protection measures can be checked.

Download Handout CO2 balancing

For further information Joachim Thaler from BOKU (University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences, Vienna, Photo: Mitja Kobal)

and Barbara Truger (TU Graz) will be pleased to help!